Become a Sponsor
Contact the Sutton Center at 918-336-7778 or wildbrew@suttoncenter.org
Wild Brew is one of Tulsa’s iconic local events and truly lives up to its nickname – the “Greatest Party Ever Hatched.” For 25 years the event has been made possible by great partnerships with local companies, contributors, vendors and volunteers. We are grateful for the dedicated support of our sponsors who make it possible to “Drink Beer and Save Birds!”
Become a Sponsor for the “Greatest Party Ever Hatched” and use your Wild Brew Sponsorship/Patron Tickets to reward employees, appreciate clients or even have a family reunion! Contact the Sutton Center at 918-336-7778 or wildbrew@suttoncenter.org if you would like more information about sponsorship, patronage, custom branding or to donate an auction item.
Patron Levels
“Bensar’s Best”
- 50 Tickets, including patrons-only hour.
- Entrance into VIP Lounges.
- Custom designed and featured Instagram and Facebook ads.
- On-stage live recognitions and signage.
- Website recognition.
- Verbal and visual recognition at Wild Brew.
- Pre-event and Post-event publicity.
“Speedy Lagers”
- 35 Tickets, including patrons-only hour.
- Entrance into VIP Lounges.
- Custom designed and featured Instagram and Facebook ads.
- Website recognition.
- Verbal and visual recognition at Wild Brew.
- Pre-event and Post-event publicity.
“IPA Intellectuals”
- 25 Tickets, including patrons-only hour.
- Entrance into VIP Lounges.
- Custom designed and featured Instagram and Facebook ads.
- Website recognition.
- Verbal and visual recognition at Wild Brew.
- Pre-event and Post-event publicity.
“All Eyes for Ale”
- 14 Tickets, including patrons-only hour.
- Entrance into VIP Lounges.
- Website recognition.
- Pre-event and Post-event publicity.
“Kingbird Keggers”
- 8 Tickets, including patrons-only hour.
- Entrance into VIP Lounges.
“Amber S-QUAD”
- 4 Tickets, including patrons-only hour.
- Entrance into VIP Lounges.
“Solo Flight”
- 1 Ticket, including patrons-only hour
- Entrance into VIP Lounges.